2024 FH Strength Challenge- registration is open!

Compete against yourself, enjoy the camaraderie of your team, and step into the holidays happier, stronger, fitter in both mind and body because you just did a really cool thing.

Those who take part in our annual FH Strength Challenge need to remember the sport is not about winning, but making yourself a better athlete and person, and having a boatload of fun.

I am not a competitive athlete but I do compete occasionally, and you should too.  Remember we cater to all levels…. Advanced, Intermediate/Scaled, Bodyweight and/or beginning Foundations members for all classes and in-house competitions. 

I do annual StrongFirst competitions (the Tactical Strength Challenge and SFG Certification weekends). Let me tell you why…

First, to challenge myself, against myself.

Your first thought might be that I’m talking about the leaderboard, but that would be incorrect. My individual results are always a surprise, but the constant is me!

It’s cool to look back at a leaderboard and see how I (or any other athlete) have done year after year in the FH Strength Challenge, at a StrongFirst Cert or the TSC. But the far greater value is internal. The feeling of knowing that for one more year I have challenged myself regularly in the gym to prepare myself both physically and mentally for all kinds of challenges both in and out of it.

Keep it interesting.

Most people follow the same programming for a consistent period of time without ever stepping out of their comfort zone.  It’s important to challenge yourself and the FH Strength Challenge gives our members the opportunity to test their training and see how effective the programming has been. These tests allow us to see a challenge, process it and execute a plan better than we could the year before. The FH Strength Challenge helps us recognize certain movements or movement combinations that have improved or need attention. Have you learned or earned a new skill since the last time you put yourself out there in a competitive setting?  Have you discovered new areas of opportunity in a specific movement that you want to perform better in 90 days?  The FH Strength Challenge will reveal these answers.

If you are a FUELer…

1- Your diet is probably better than it was beforehand. 

2- You are almost definitely fitter and more capable in dozens of workout formats. 

3- You have been and continue to acquire new skills which only allow you to execute the variety and intensity of workouts progressively more comprehensively. 

4- You are a happier human.  Your commitment to movement and being part of our community is a natural happy drug for your mental health, and, in our opinion, the most important part of the happiness puzzle.  

5- You summon courage to do hard things.  You play hard and you challenge yourself. You occasionally compete and test yourself in different environments. The Tactical Strength Challenge allows you to do all of the above, along with our seasonal small groups.

If one of the above does not resonate with you then let’s book a discovery session (HERE) and see if there are areas of opportunity that we can identify.

Although I am not doing the FH Strength Challenge to try and win anything, I take it seriously. I dial in my sleep, nutrition, body work and recovery just a little bit more in the weeks leading up to our event. I prepare mentally and physically for a great effort.

And I’ll put forth my best effort, applying everything this past year has taught me, in an effort to show myself that the lifestyle works. I am healthier, fitter, and more mentally astute year after year. And in both obvious and subtle ways, the FH Strength Challenge helps to affirm that, because I do it every year.

We are excited and we hope you are too!

If you are a group class/personal training client of FH you’ve already been training for this. Everyone should try the FH Strength Challenge at one point during their time with us as a FH member. I guarantee that this will be the most empowering, motivating, thrilling, hilarious, confidence-boosting, most fun weekend you will have experienced in a very longgggg time. Just ask any FH Coach or past participant about their experience and to get a greater sense of the TSC, head to our past photo albums capturing all the feels!

Strong Hugs,

Coach Mol + Team FH


9:00am: Doors Open + Check-In

9:30am: Group Debrief + Group Warmup + Group Photo

9:50: Compete in all or just one event:

  • Event 1: Hand Release Push Ups (Max Reps in 2 Minutes) OR BB Bench Press 1 Rep Max 

  • Event 2: Barbell Back Squat - 1 Rep Max (Dbl Racked Front Squat, or Goblet Squat)

  • Event 3: BB OH Press - 1 Rep Max OR Double Kettlebell Overhead Press - 1 Rep Max 

  • Event 4: 1 mile Run OR 2K Row

  • Event 5: Simple and Sinister Test

Molly Kieland