Simple & Sinister 8-week Camp FAQ's

The Minimalist Journey to Strength

Get Fit, Get Strong, and Actually Enjoy the Process!

In today’s world, you’ll find a ton of programs with loads of exercises that claim to “shock” your body and “confuse” your muscles by doing a whole lot of nonsense.

The reality is that the simple programs and the fundamental exercises are what’s most proven and effective.

Do we really want what works or not?

Simple and Sinister is very simple and very sinister in its approach all thanks to it’s originator, Pavel Tsatsouline. “Simple & Sinister” is what many call a “General Preparation Program”. It is designed to be as effective as possible without being overly complex, hence the name.

It’s a minimalism approach to strength training and performance.

Keep in mind that this doesn’t suggest it’s only for beginners, because it’s not.

If you truly want to sort through the “fluff” in the fitness industry, join our S&S Camp, learn the movements, and do the program with like minded humans.

The end result will be achieving a fitter, stronger, and more athletic body.

Again, it doesn’t matter whether you’re new to kettlebells or advanced in your training.

If you’re advanced, then you already know that we can greatly benefit by returning to the fundamentals.

FH OG Member, Joyce Leslie, accomplishing “Simple” in July 2021!

FH OG Member, Joyce Leslie, accomplishing “Simple” in July 2021!

What To Expect.

This simple kettlebell program will make you strong like iron.  Kettlebell training has been used to develop strength, power and endurance. It helps build muscle and lose fat. It gives you a health boost.

  • The simplicity, fun and low investment to become strong in 8 weeks are very appealing about simple and sinister.

  • Simple & Sinister will give you the strength, the stamina, and the suppleness to play any sport recreationally—and play it well.

  • If you are a serious athlete, Simple & Sinister will serve as a perfect foundation for your sport-specific training.

  • If you are a serious lifter, Simple & Sinister will build your strength, rather than interfere with it.

  • Simple and Sinister is a foundation, a framework, and a set of standards.

  • It’s foundational for beginners and it’s mandatory for the advanced.

FH OG Member, Beth T, accomplishing “Simple”!!!

FH OG Member, Beth T, accomplishing “Simple”!!!

Why Should You Do This Program?

Because you’re a busy human who is ready to forge a fighter’s physique and develop incredible strength and stamina.  This specialty group will require a very small investment in time and money for huge returns. You only need to put in 30-45 minutes per workout, three days a week, to get good progress.  Simple & Sinister will enable you to achieve so much in so little time, all while leaving you plenty of time and energy to do your duty, your job, practice your sport, and have a life.

This Camp is essential for beginners, it’s also for the intermediate and advanced kettlebell enthusiast.

We Start Safe. We Have Fun.

We will briefly cover kettlebell history, rules for training, benefits of the main KB exercises, complete technical aspects of the exercises, and the new S&S program minimum.

This program involves 100 one-hand swings and 10 get-ups. The 10×10 swings must be completed in 5 minutes by performing 10 swings every 30 seconds, followed by 1 minute of rest and 10×1 get-ups performed in 10 minutes.

There is a lot of stress put on proper technique to avoid injury and maximize the value of your workout.

Depending on the weight and your skill level, you might be doing two-handed swings or 50 left-handed, 50 right-handed.

Every training session will involve custom mobility and pre-hab exercises to get you primed and ready to execute every movement with stellar technique so you can maximize your performance.

So What Is The End Goal?