Updated No Show/Late Cancel Policies

There are three types of group class cancellations*

  • Early Cancellations: Class reservations may be canceled with no penalty, anytime prior to 8 hours before the scheduled start time.

  • Late Cancellations: If you discover that you will be unable to make a class, and you’ve missed the early cancel window, we ask that you Late Cancel your reservation. This courtesy will allow another member to book your spot.  You have between 8 hrs and the scheduled start time of class to “late cancel”. You will be charged a late cancellation fee of $12 but you won’t lose a class if you are an 8 and/or 12x/month member. In the Member App, you will see a message that will alert you with exactly what will happen before you cancel, so you can change your mind and still get to class if you wish. 

  • No Shows: Once again, you have the ability to cancel up to 8 hours before any class to give others the time they need to prepare.  If you fail to show for a class, you will be charged a No Show Fee of $12 and it will count against your membership attendance for 8 and/or 12x/month group class members.

  • Please, we beg, do not text or call any FH Coach asking to take you off the class roster (your message automatically gets lost in the ether). Just simply follow the rules and everyone will be ok!

  • No show/ late cancel charges will be processed at the end of every week on Saturday.

    *These policies do not pertain to Virtual Class members!


How to Use the Waitlist

If your preferred class is full, you may opt to add yourself to the waitlist via ZenPlanner Member App. Here are some important guidelines for managing your waitlist requests:

  • You should only waitlist yourself for one class per day. 

  • If you already have a reserved class on the same day, you should cancel your current reservation before adding yourself to a waitlist for a different class.

  • If you sign up for a class then ALSO sign up for a waitlist to play the odds, that’s cheating. It makes it hard for other members to book, because you’re taking two spots. And then they will be angry with Molly. And their wrath is not to be trifled with! 

  • Once you’ve made it off the waitlist you will automatically receive either a text message or email notifying you that you have made it off the waitlist. If you do not respond within the specified time frame (30 minutes), the system will send a message to the next member on the waitlist. 

Note: In order to get waitlist notifications from ZP, you must opt in to receive emails and/or texts in the “My Info” section user profile. Reach out if you need assistance in changing your settings.

Did we say thanks? Well, thanks! Thanks for respecting our policies but more so thank you for respecting your fellow peers at FUELhouse.

-Your FH Leadership Team

Molly Kieland